Kamis, 30 April 2015


Often doubts arise accompany the desire to penetrate the boundary walls. In fact God created everything in pairs, but many are oblivious to such provision. Many people who want fun without difficulty, or want easily without any difficulties. The people as well as people who want to continue because during his life he was afraid of the darkness of night. Therefore, we must be sure that the provision lowered between doubt and heaps of difficulties we are experiencing.
Doubts arise when we just focus on the limitations and weaknesses in ourselves. Though weakness is no excuse for inaction. Often a situation or condition that does not support the cause of various reasons emerging and deadly motivation. As a result, when they wanted to do something we are busy looking for justification.
 There's a small example 2 Youth named BG and BK with different figures inhabit Nusakambangan prison because of their dealers and drug users at the same time. BG is an optimistic figure, while BK aadalah pessimistic figure. Every day both are equally stuck his head through the bars of a prison sidelines. BG optimistic always looking at the stars in the sky each day and then smiled brightly. While BK pessimist always looking down, staring at the black soil in front of the prison then cry bitterly. Both are in the same circumstances, and has the same habits as well. But they have a different point of view in addressing something.
Therefore, for any problems or burdens of life that we face, we must remain optimistic in the face.
Work to keep the spirit.

Just do it ... !!!

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