Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Active and passive sentences

Active and passive sentences
Active voice (active voice) is the subject of his sentence which does the job, on the contrary, the passive voice (passive voice) is the subject of his sentence in which the subject of work by the object of the sentence. Active voice is more commonly used in daily life compared with the passive voice. However, we often find the passive voice in newspapers, articles in magazines and scholarly writings. Passive voice is used as the object of the active voice is more important information than its subject. 


• Active: We fertilize the soil every 6 months

• Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months

From this example we can see that:

1. Object of the active voice (the soil) became the subject of the passive voice

2. Subject of the active voice (we) become the object of the passive voice. Note also that there is a change of subject pronoun 'we' be the object pronoun 'us'.

3. Verb1 (fertilize) the active voice into verb3 (fertilized) in the passive voice.

4. He added that be 'is' in front verb3. Be used is dependent on the subject of passive voice and tenses are used. (Note the passive voice patterns below).

5. He added the word 'by' behind verb3. However, if the object of the passive voice is considered unimportant or unknown, then the object is usually not mentioned and so did the word 'by'.

6. Special for progressive sentences (present, past, past perfect, future, past future and future perfect continuous past, need to add a 'being' in front verb3). Otherwise added "being", tensisnya will change, not progressive / continuous again. Consider the examples in point h - o below.

Based on the above six points in the passive voice follows the following pattern:

Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

The pattern of active and passive voice in every tense

a.) If the active voice in the simple present tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is is, am or are.


• Active: He meets them everyday. • Passive: They are met by him everyday.

• Active: She waters this plant every two days. • Passive: This plant is watered by her every two days.

b.) If the active voice in the simple past tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is was or were


• Active: He met them yesterday

• Passive: They were met by him yesterday

• Active: She watered this plant this morning

• Passive: This plant was watered by her this morning

c.) If the active voice in the present perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is been placed after the auxiliary has or have, thus becoming 'has been' or 'have been'


• Active: He has met Them

• Passive: They have been met by him

• Active: She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.

• Passive: This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

d.) If the active voice in the past perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is been placed after the auxiliary had, making it had been


• Active: He had met them before I Came.

• Passive: They had been met by him before I Came.

• Active: She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here

• Passive: This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here

e.) If the active voice in the simple future tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is be


• Active: He will meet them tomorrow.

• Passive: They will be met by him tomorrow.

• Active: She will water this plant this afternoon.

• Passive: This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.

• Active: The Farmers are going to harvest the crops next week

• Passive: The crops are going to be Harvested by the Farmers next week.

f.) If the active voice in the future perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is been placed after the auxiliary will have, thus becoming 'will have been'


• Active: He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.

• Passive: They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.

• Active: She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.

• Passive: This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.

g.) If the active voice in the future past perfect tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is been placed after the auxiliary would have, thus becoming 'would have been'.


• Active: He would have met them.

• Passive: They would have been met by him.

• Active: She would have watered this plant.

• Passive: This plant would have been watered by her.

h.) If the active voice in the present continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his was (is, am, or are) + being.


• Active: He is meeting them now.

• Passive: They are being met by him now.

• Active: She is watering this plant now.

• Passive: This plant is being watered by her now.

i.) If the active voice in the past continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is (was or were) + being.


• Active: He was meeting them.

• Passive: They were being met by him.

• Active: She was watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant was being watered by her. j. If the active voice in perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is (has / have) been + being.

• Active: He has been meeting them.

• Passive: They have been being met by him.

• Active: She has been watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant has been being watered by her.

j.) If the active voice in the past perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is had been + being.


• Active: He had been meeting them.

• Passive: They had been being met by him.

• Active: She had been watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant had been being watered by her.

k.) If the active voice in the future continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is will be + being.


• Active: He will be meeting them.

• Passive: They will be being met by him.

• Active: She will be watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant will be being watered by her.

l.) If the active voice in the future past continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is would be + being.


• Active: He would be meeting them.

• Passive: They would be being met by him.

• Active: She would be watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant would be being watered by her.

m.) If the active voice in the future perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is will have been + being.


• Active: He will have been meeting them.

• Passive: They will have been being met by him.

• Active: She will have been watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant will have been being watered by her.

n.) If the active voice in the past future perfect continuous tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is would have been + being.


• Active: He would be meeting them.

• Passive: They would be being met by him.

• Active: She would be watering this plant.

• Passive: This plant would be being watered by her.

Other examples:

1. Koko's nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose.
2. The Indonesian football team was beaten by the germany team.
3. Reviews These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago.
4. There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes.
5. English is studied by all high school students.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Perbedaan Penggunaan Kata Some , Any, Much, Many, a Lot of dan a few

Penjelasan tentang perbedaan penggunaan some , any,much,many,a lot of dan a few serta contoh kalimatnyanya.
Bagi yang belum tahu perbedaan penggunaan some dan any tentu akan bingung ketika harus memilih salah satunya ketika mempraktikannya dalam tulisan maupun percakapan. Untuk mengungkapkan kadar jumlah sebuah barang kadang kita harus menggunakan kata: beberapa, sedikit dan banyak. Dalam bahasa Inggris, “beberapa” bisa menggunakan Any dan Some, dan “banyak” bisa menggunakan much, many,  a lot of . Sementara sedikit bisa menggunakan a few dan little. Namun semua ada aturan pakainya. Oleh karena itu, sebelum mempraktikannya, jangan lupa untuk baca aturan pakainya sebagaimana berikut ini:

 Perbedaan Penggunaan Some dan Any, Much, Many, a lot of dan a few
Digunakan untuk kalimat Positif/Affirmative/Pernyataan, Penawaran, permintaan, dan pertanyaan jika kamu berharap pertanyaannya dijawab “Yes/ya”.
I have some friends to be visited next week.
She borrowed some books at library.

ANY artinya beberapa atau sedikit. Selain itu dapat juga dipakai dalam kalimat yang artinya siapa saja atau kapan saja
Digunakan untuk kalimat negatif atau pertanyaan.
Have you got any bananas? No, we haven’t got any. But we’ve got some oranges.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
Do you have any books ?
He does not do any work
Any one must work hard

Much digunakan untuk benda-benda yang tak dapat dihitung, dan untuk menghitungnya diperlukan suatu takaran/timbangan dan ukuran tertentu. Patokan suatu benda tidak dapat dihitung adalah jika untuk menghitungnya harus menggunakan alat bantu. seperti liter, rupiah, kilogram dsb.
Much water
Much sugar
You took too much sugar in your tea, it’s not good for your health.
We need much sand to build a big building.

Many digunakan untuk benda-benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun)
Many boys
Many girls
Many cats
How many fruit you take from refrigerator?
Many people asked me if I have got married or not.

5.A lot of
A lot of bisa digunakan baik untuk benda yang bisa dihitung maupun yang tidak bisa dihitung. Artinya bisa digunakan untuk mengganti posisi Many.
Yang membedakan dengan Many dan Much adalah bahwa kebiasaan penggunaannya. A lot of hanya biasa digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
He has a lot of money
There is a lot of fruit on the table
We have alot of spare time
I have a lot of friends who always stand by me.
How much money do you have? I have a lot of money.

6. A FEW
A FEW atau Little artinya SEDIKIT. A few untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Sedangkan a little untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung jumlahnya.
A few children = sedikit anak-anak
A few house = sedikit rumah-rumah
A few cats = sedikit kucing-kucing
A little coffee = sedikit kopi
A little sugar = sedikit gula
A little water = sedikit air
Perlu diingat bila kita membuat kalimat yang disertai dengan kata FEW dan LITTLE harus menggunakan A didepannya. Jika penlisan few dan little tidak disertai a, maka artinya bukan sedikit. Kata-kata seperti: es, air, gula, kopi, dan teh tidak dapat dibentuk jamak.

http://inggrisonlinPenggunaan kata;

Pengertian Indefinite Articles

Indefinite article “a/an”adalah article yang digunakan pada noun (kata benda) yang tidak spesifik meliputi orang (person) maupun benda atau hal (thing). Maksud “tidak spesifik” adalah tidak merujuk pada suatu orang, benda, ataupun ide tertentu, melainkan merujuk pada orang, benda, atau ide secara umum. Berlaku sebaliknya pada definite article.
Indefinite article hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung tunggal).

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Article A/An
Indefinite Article              Fungsi Indefinite Article                Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Article
A dan An  Biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu pertama kali (first reference) pada written text. Untuk tulisan selanjutnya (subsequent reference), dapat digunakan definite article. Namun bila ada modifier diantara article dan noun, maka pada subsequent reference tetap menggunakan indefinite article.          
A man who wears glasses is often a serious and stiff person. People may change their assumption if they find the man laughing out loud.
A quiet man who wears glasses is often a serious and stiff person. People may change their assumption if they find a quiet man laughing out loud.
Indefinite article ini memiliki arti one (satu, sebuah, suatu) pada things (benda).               a book, a cat, a problem
Kata ini memiliki arti one (satu, sebuah, suatu) pada fraction (pecahan) a half (1/2), a third (1/3), a fourth (1/4)
Kata ini memiliki arti each (setiap, masing-masing, per).
He goes to the swimming pool twice a week.
Rachma gets US$ 1000 as a salary for a month.

a.            Indefinite article digunakan sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan consonant sound (bunyi konsonan).        a university (baca: e yunive:rsiti), a hand, a one-eyed man (baca: e wan aid men)
an           Indefinite pronoun digunakan sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan vowel sound (bunyi vokal), dimana terdiri dari a, i, u, e, o dengan bunyi vokal, s dan f, serta silent h (h yang dibaca lemah). Berlaku juga untuk abbreaviation (singkatan).        an SMP (baca: es em pe), an umbrella, an honor (baca: en aner), an FBI (baca: en ef bi ai)

Pengertian Definite Article
Definite Article “the”adalah article yang digunakan pada hal yang spesifik atau yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, meliputi orang, benda, maupun pemikiran. Kata ini digunakan sebelum countable noun maupun uncountable noun.

Fungsi dan Contoh Definite Article

Berikut beberapa fungsi dan contoh (kalimat) definite article.

Fungsi definite article     Contoh definite article
definite article digunakan ketika suatu kata benda yang dibicarakan telah disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya.
               There’s a girl in front of the bookstore. The girl wore prada.
definite article digunakan ketika dikhususkan oleh situasi dimana sesuatu yang dimaksud sudah jelas     My cat is sleeping in the garage.
definite article digunakan ketika suatu kata benda yang dicirikan kata sifat dan pembaca paham benda yang dimaksud.           Which one do you prefer to buy? I prefer the pink one.
definite article digunakan bilamana kata benda tersebut dikhususkan oleh kata, frase, atau anak kalimat.             The place that i just visited is cozy.
definite article digunakan ketika suatu kata benda merupakan pengetahuan umum sehingga pembaca sudah paham dengan apa yang dimaksud penulis.       
*In order to meet friends at the department store, Lia went to the bus station.
sebelum noun yang mengacu pada sesuatu yang bersifat abstrak             the use of the passive voice, the use of machines
sebelum ekspresi waktu atau arah/posisi             *the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the future, the present, the past
the north, the south, the west, the east, the front, the back, the middle, the top, the bottom
sebelum ordinal number              *the third, the second volume, the first chapter
sebelum decade atau century    *the 1900s, the eighties
the twentieth century
sebelum superlative adjective* the prettiest girl, the most expensive car
Setelah quantifier dan preposition “of” untuk menyatakan kuantitas (seberapa banyak)               most of the students, all of the books, some of the cakes
sebelum kata benda yang diikuti prepositional phrase yang diawali dengan “of” the staff of our firm, the leader of the party
the City of Alameda, the City of Jakarta
the State of Georgia, The State of Massachusetts
sebelum nama-nama geografis: gunung, gurun, sungai, dsb        the Himalaya, the Gobi, the Yangtze
Sebelum nama bangsa (bersifat plural)  the French, the Chinese, the Indonesian
sebelum pluralized names (nama-nama jamak): keluarga, bangsa, kelompok danau, pegunungan, dan kepulauanThe Hudson family, The Hudsons      the Hudsons, the Himalaya Mountains, the Alpen Mountains, The Great lakes, the One Thousand Islands
sebelum nama peristiwa penting, jabatan, lembaga, fasilitas umum, surat kabar                the Round Table Conference
the Prime Minister
the Legislative Assembly
the Istiqlal Mosque
the cathedral church
the New York Times
sebelum nama bidang studi yang menggunakan preposition of di tengahnya       the history of the ninetieth centuries

A, an, the (articles) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk membatasi pengertian dari noun (kata benda). Article atau kata sandang, terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu: definite dan indefinite. Adapula zero article yang berarti tanpa kata sandang.

Definite Article

The merupakan kata sandang yang digunakan pada definite article.
The digunakan pada hal yang spesifik (telah jelas ataupun telah diterangkan sebelumnya) meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda), maupun idea (pemikiran).
Kata ini digunakan sebelum countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung) maupun uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung).
Contoh Kalimat Definite Article:

There’s a girl in front of the bookstore. The girl wore boots. (Disana ada seorang anak di depan toko buku.)
The place that I just visited is cozy. (Tempat yang baru saya kunjungi sangat nyaman.)
Indefinite Articles

A atau an digunakan pada indefinite articles.
Kata sandang ini digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum pernah diterangkan sebelumnya, meliputi: person (orang), thing (benda), maupun idea (pemikiran).
Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung tunggal).
Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Article:

a man, a book, an umbrella
He goes to the swimming pool twice a week. (Dia pergi ke kolam renang dua kali seminggu.)
Zero Article (Tanpa a, an, the)

Zero article berarti tidak ada article (a, an, the) yang perlu untuk digunakan terhadap suatu noun (kata benda).
Beberapa macam noun yang tidak  atau dapat tidak menggunakan article (tanpa a, an, the) antara lain adalah nama-nama bahasa, olahraga, academic subject, dll.
Contoh Kalimat Zero Article:

Can you speak Japanese? (Dapatkah kamu bicara bahasa Jepang?)
That children played football. (Anak-anak itu bermain bola.)
Error (Kesalahan penggunaan)

Kesalahan umum yang terjadi pada penggunaan kata ini yaitu penggunaan yang terbalik pada Definite dan Indefinite.

Kesalahan Umum Penggunaan Article: a, an, the

Error (kesalahan) yang umum terjadi pada penggunaan articles (a, an, the) yaitu penggunaan yang terbalik pada definite article (the) dan indefinite articles (a/an). Lebih spesifik, pada indefinite articles, seringkali terjadi penggunaan terbalik antara a dan an.

Contoh Kesalahan Penggunaan
Beberapa kesalahan dalam penggunaan baik definite maupun indefinite dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Article   Kesalahan Penggunaan Contoh
A & An  tertukar antara a dan an              

She is a honest girl.


She is an honest girl.

The        Definite article terlupakan          

Fill the tube with purified water, salt, nitrite and acid, and put at bottom of the box.


Fill the tube with purified water, salt, nitrite and acid, and put at the bottom of the box.

Definite article mengisi tempat kata lain yang seharusnya digunakan, biasanya possesive pronoun          

After work day and night, Kim laid the body on the bed.


After work day and night, Kim laid her body on the bed.

A, An, & The       Tertukar.1A atau an biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu pertama kali (first reference) pada written text. Pada bagian selanjutnya (subsequent reference), dapat digunakan definite article karena noun tersebut telah bersifat spesifik.2Namun bagian subsequent reference tetap menggunakan indefinite article jika ada modifier diantara article dengan noun tersebut.               

1There’s a
man in the junction. A man looked sad.


1There’s a man in the junction. The man looked sad.


2A calm man who wears glasses is usually a serious person, but you may change your assumption if you find the calm man laughing out loud.

2A calm man who wears glasses is usually a serious person, but you may change your assumption if you find a calm man laughing out loud.